Adult Mentors
Mentors work directly with students
Mentors are assigned two students for the program year and are committed to connecting with those students on program progress, participating in team meetings and guiding and coaching students along the way.

IC Youth for Change community impact
Help to market service-related projects
Participate with service project include direct contact with the community, like the “Seniors Prom”, Fun Day, Bake Sales, Car Washes, etc.
Create and provide baked goods for Bake Sales
Help to sell products at sales
Wash cars for fundraising
Habitat for Humanity projects
Skill sets of great mentors
Passion for working with inner-city youth
Compassionate heart
Excellent communication skills

What is the time commitment for mentors?
Attend all team meetings
Attend all community service activities
Attend both experiential servicelearning trips
Attend monthly Leader meeting
Apply to be a Mentor
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